Voice of Green Justice: The Role and Struggle of Social Work Against Climate Change

This study aims to examine the effects of climate change and climate justice on social work practice and social workers’ roles, knowledge levels and experiences regarding these issues. Climate change is directly linked to the core values ​​of social work. It is an issue intertwined with social justice, equality and human rights. This study is one of the first studies focusing on climate change and climate justice in the field of social work in Türkiye. In this respect, it aims to open a new field of dialogue and research. I would like to thank Dr. Aylin Arıcı, my doctoral student Gizem Burcu Bolat, Dr. Irmak Atak, my department head Prof. Dr. Doğaç Niyazi Özüçelik and our faculty dean Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akgül who supported me in my work on this important issue. I would like to express my gratitude to the social workers who participated in the research and shared their valuable knowledge and experiences.

Findings show that social workers need more knowledge and skills on climate change and climate justice, and that current training and policies are inadequate to meet these needs. This emphasizes that social work education curricula and practice should pay more attention to climate change and environmental

justice issues. I hope that this study will contribute to understanding and strengthening the role of social work in climate change and climate justice. At the same time, I hope it will guide further research and discussion in this field.

Assoc. Prof. Taner ARTAN


Newborn and Child Health for Midwifery II


Problem Behaviors in Children: Understanding and Prevention