Ethical Issues in Education

Ethics is sacred because it has no equal and cannot be measured by any other kind of value.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Firstly; I would like to state that I've honored and proud to contribute with this book to the 100 books in the 100th year project, which was initiated to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Republic. When the project announcement was made, I felt both in my marrows the enthusiasm of our Republic reaching its 100th anniversary and the desire to take part in this project. I aimed to address the issue of Ethics, which is frequently confused with morality today.

Moral rules, which are a part of our culture, differ when it comes to different countries. Ethics, which we define as moral philosophy is defined differently in different professional groups is defined. In shortly, every profession and even workplace is shaped by the authorities has its own code of ethics.

Teachers, to whom we entrust our children from pre-school classes onwards, are expected to comply with ethical rules in their behavior and in their relations with their colleagues while practicing their profession behavior is our ideal expectation. Thus, the students trained by teachers who abide by ethical rules will also behave in accordance with ethical rules at the necessary time and place. For this reason, this book has been prepared to draw attention to ethical issues that may be in question in the education process. Of course, it does not cover all ethical issues in education, but the topics covered are thought to contribute the literature.

I would like to thank all the people who supported me in this book study covering ethical issues in education. Especially Rector of Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Prof. Dr. Nuri Aydın and the university management and the editorial board team, which provided the necessary environment for the creation of this work covering ethical issues in education, and Founding President of the Association for Ethics in Academia (AKETDER) Prof. Dr. Fahri Apaydın, for his support, and to all chapter authors who contributed selflessly and all chapter revievers who rewieved evaluated and contributing to the development the chapters Prof. Dr. Zeyyat Sabuncuoğlu, Prof. Dr. Esra Sağlam, Prof. Dr. Oğuzhan Sevim, Prof. Dr. Ömür Şaylıgil, Assoc. Dr. Selminaz Adıgüzel and Assoc. Dr. Aysun I would like to thank.



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